Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016

Item-total correlation as the cause for the underestimation of the alpha estimate for the reliability of the scale

Jari Metsamuuronen

Abstract :

 By modifying the basic formulae of the alpha coefficient for estimating the scale reliability, a simple coefficient is derived where the item-total correlation is seen. While knowing that the alpha coefficient gives the lower bound for the reliability except the case of (essential) tau-equivalency, the reason for the underestimation is in the process of calculating the item-total correlation. The article shows why and how much the item-total correlation underestimates the item discrimination in the deterministically discriminating dataset; even in the optimally constructed dataset, the underestimation may be 13%

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Jari Metsamuuronen, Item-total correlation as the cause for the underestimation of the alpha estimate for the reliability of the scale, Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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