Dr Bhagya Manoj Sattigeri

Position : Professor
Professor, Department of Pharmacology,
KMCRI Bharuch,
Gujarat, India
Email : bhagya.manoj@yahoo.com
Mobile: 9426588796
Address : Professor, Department of Pharmacology,
KMCRI Bharuch,
Gujarat, India
Home Page :-
Scholar Link :https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=Y5G4YrUAAAAJ&hl=en
Research Gate Link :https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bhagya_Sattigeri/stats
Papers Submitted/Published :
Sr. No. | Title | Journal | Issue No. Date/Month/Year |
1. | NM Soumya, BM Sattigeri, "Quinolone antibiotic: limitations for use in children and elderly" | International Journal of Scientific Research | 2018, p486-488 Impact factor-4.758 |
2. | SK Kohli, BM Sattigeri, "Adverse drug reactions in paediatric patients of bronchial asthma" | International Journal of Scientific Research | p-267-270 Impact factor-4.758 |
3. | *BM Sattigeri, S Brahmbhatt, J Patharkar, Teaching, Learning and Evaluation; Student Perception: An analytical survey study" | International Journal of Scientific Research | 2018, 7(7), p -351-352 Impact factor 4.758 |
4. | S Kumar, BM Sattigeri, "Translational Pharmacology: role and its impact"; | International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | 2018, 6(5), p- 1491-1495, ICV 7.38 |
5. | E Dass, BM Sattigeri, "Hepatoprotective effect of DL methionine on diclofenac induced hepatotoxicity in albino rats: an experimental study" | International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | 2018, 6(3), p- 802-807, ICV 7.38 |
6. | E Dass, BM Sattigeri, "Diclofenac-Induced Liver toxicity in albino rats; Dose dependent Study" | Paripex- Indian Journal of research, | 2018, 7(1), P-536-538, Impact factor- 5.761 |
7. | J Patharkar, BM Sattigeri, HS Amane, SV Brahmbhatt, "Comparative study to evaluate the awareness about anaemia and its complications among undergraduate and postgraduate medical students- a cross sectional survey study";, | International Journal of Research in Medical Science, | 2017, 4(7), p 2692-2695, ICV 7.38 |
8. | J Patharkar, BM Sattigeri, Kirtana Shah, "Capecitabine induced Hand -Foot Syndrome: A case report";, | Paripex- Indian Journal of research, | 2016, 5(7), p 381-382 Impact factor- 5.761 |
9. | BM Sattigeri, SV Desai, "Pharmacovigilance";, | Journal of Integrated Health Sciences, | 2015, 3(2), p-1 |
10. | AD Sharma, BM Sattigeri, E Dass, "Radiocontrast dye induced anaphylactoid reaction: A case report, | The Journal of Medical Research, | 2015, 1(4), p- 110-111, ICV 79.95 |
11. | Modi RS, Sattigeri BM, Patel AH, "Piperacillin plus Tazobactam induced Hypersensitivity Reaction: A case report";, | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research Scholars, | 2015,4(4), p- 115-118, Impact factor 0.9922 ICV -72.03 |
12. | NA Shah, BM Sattigeri, NN Patel, HA Desai, "Counterfeit drugs in India: significance and impact on Pharmacovigilance";, | International Journal of Research in Medical Science, | 2015, 3(9), p 2156-2160, ICV- 7.38 |
13. | JB Patel, P Agrawal, S Soitawala, BM Sattigeri, "Amoxicillin induced toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN): a case report, | International Journal of Research in Medical Science, | 2015, 3(4), p1011-12, ICV- 7.38 |
14. | Sattigeri BM, VMD Moorthy, "Pharmacovigilance; Its clinical implications in health care management";, | Journal of Integrated Health Science, | 2014, 2(2), p 34-36. |
15. | Raghottam M Sattigeri, BM Sattigeri, "Conduction; Electrochemistry; Future prospects";, | International Journal of Science and Research, | 2014,3 (10), p 1561-65, Impact factor -3.358 |
16. | R Alamchandani, BM Sattigeri, PS Karelia, "A comparative survey study on current prescribing trends in non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs among practitioners in private set up and tertiary care teaching rural hospital";, | International journal of Research in Medical Science, | 2014, 2(4), p 1672-75, ICV7.38 |
17. | SV Brahmbhatt, BM Sattigeri, AK Nil, DP Parikh, HS Shah, "A prospective study on drug utilization pattern & rationality in treatment of type II diabetes mellitus: a population-based analysis";, | International journal of Research in Medical Science, | 2014, 2(3), p 1-5, ICV 7.38 |
18. | RR Alamchandani, BM Sattigeri, PS Karelia, "Biologics and biosimilars: role in modern pharmacology and importance of pharmacovigilance";, | International journal of Research in Medical Science, | 2014, 2(2), p- 382-386, ICV- 7.38 |
19. | *DP Parikh, BM Sattigeri, A Kumar, "An update on Growth and development of Telemedicine with pharmacological implications";, | International Journal of Medical Science and Public Science, | 2014, 3(5), p |
20. | Rekha Nayaka MR, BM Sattigeri, "Comparison of efficacy and tolerability of Vitamin C as ad on therapy to the oral hypoglycemic agent in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus";, | International Journal of Drug Development & Research, | 2013, 5(2), p !87-193, Impact factor 3.7 |
21. | *S Brahmbhatt, BM Sattigeri, H Shah, A Kumar, D Parikh, "A prospective survey study on premenstrual syndrome in young and middle-aged women with emphasis on its management. | International journal of Research in Medical Science, | 2013, 1(2), p 69-72, ICV 7.38 |
22. | H Shah, BM Sattigeri, S Brahmbhatt, P Singh, D Parikh, A Kumar, "A prospective study on the use of magnesium sulfate in prevention and management of eclampsia with emphasis on adverse drug reactions";, | International journal of Research in Medical Science, | 2013, 1(2), p 97-100, ICV 7.38 |
23. | *D Parikh, BM Sattigeri, A Kumar, S Brahmbhatt, "A survey study on use of over the counter (OTC) drugs, among medical students, nursing and clerical staff of a tertiary care teaching rural hospital";, | International journal of Research in Medical Science, | 2013, 2(1), p 83-86. ICV- 7.38 |
24. | A Kumar, BM Sattigeri, S Chauhan, "Drug utilization in clinical conditions: an update on its essentials"; | International journal of Research in Medical Science, | 2013, 1(4), p 320-325, ICV 7.38. |
25. | A Kumar, BM Sattigeri, D Parikh, S Brahmbhatt, "Dose dependent efficacy of Lacosamide in protection of pentylenetetrazol induced seizure in rats"; | International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, | 2013, 5 Sl 2, p 409-411, Impact factor 0.75 |
26. | MD Mehta, BM Sattigeri, "A study of management of 100 cases of diarrhea admitted in medicine wards in a tertiary care teaching hospital with emphasis on efficacy and safety of drugs used, | International Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, | 2013, 3(2), p Impact factor 4.5 |
27. | J Shah, BM Sattigeri, "A study of adverse drug reactions in patients admitted to orthopedic wards in tertiary care teaching rural hospital"; | International Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, | 2013, 3(2), p 24-30, Impact factor 4.5 |
28. | S Parul, BM Sattigeri, S Heena, PS Karelia, "Postsurgical hypomagnesaemia and hypocalcemia induced psychosis-significance of patient compliance - a case report"; | International Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, | 2013, 3(1), p -1-6. Impact factor 4.5 |
29. | *JM Kathiria, BM Sattigeri, PM Desai, SP Patel, "A study of adverse drug reactions in patients admitted to intensive care unit of a tertiary care teaching rural hospital"; | International Journal of Pharmacy and PharmaceuticalSciences, | 2013, 5(1), p 160-163. Impact factor 0.75 |
30. | BM Sattigeri, Sodium valproate investigational aspects of its psychopharmacological actions, | Lambert Academic Publishing, | 2012 (Monograph) |
31. | BM Sattigeri, "Stevia (Madhu Patra) - A natural low-calorie sweetener with more promising benefits"; | International Journal of Phytotherapy Research, | 2012, 2(3), p 21-25. |
32. | BM Sattigeri, JJ Balsara, JH Jadhav, MM Sattigeri, A Bhatt, "Effect of sodium valproate pretreatment on apomorphine and dexamphetamine induced stereotype behavior in rats"; | Recent Research in Science and Technology, | 2012, 4(5), p 01-03. |
33. | BM Sattigeri, JJ Balsara, JH Jadhav "Effect of Clomipramine pretreatment on sodium valproate, Dexfenfluramine and 5-Hydroxytryptamine induced wet dog shake behavior in rats";, | International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, | 2012, 4(3), p 406-7. Impact factor 0.51. |
34. | BM Sattigeri, JJ Balsara, JH Jadhav "Effect of P-Chlorophenylalanine pretreatment on sodium valproate and dexfenfluramine induced wet dog shake behavior in rats"; | Indian Journal of Basic & Applied Medical Research, | 2012, 3(1), p- 209- 213 |
35. | BM Sattigeri, JJ Balsara, JH Jadhav "Effect of picrotoxin and cyproheptadine pre-treatment on sodium valproate induced wet dog shake behaviour in rats"; | International Journal of Biological & Medical Research, | 2012, 2(2), 1606-08. Impact factor 5.51 |
36. | *BM Sattigeri, JJ Balsara, "Effect of sodium valproate pre-treatment on Haloperidol induced catalepsy in rats., | Pravara Medical Review, | 2009,4(3),16-19. |