Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2018


Dr. Archana Verma, Dr. Shreeram Kumawat, Dr. Sunil Kumar Yadav

Abstract :


Sharira Rachana is a important anch of Ayurveda. Knowledge of Sharira Rachana is mandatory for students of any system of medicine. It is vital subject in preclinical studies. The concepts of Ayurveda are like roots of the tree, in which one of root is Srotasa. Acharya Sushruta in field of Sharira has gone through anatomical structure under the name of Srotosharira. He has considered twenty two Yogavahi Srotasa in his Sushruta Samhita Sharira Sthana 9/12 including Artavavaha Srotasa and its Moolasthana. Among the type of Srotasa, Artavavaha Srotasa (which does Artavavahana) is given prime importance which is only present in females. The root (Moola) of Artavavaha Srotasa is considered as Garbhashaya and Artavavahi Dhamani (vessels carrying Artava). Injury to Artavavaha Srotasa leads to infertility, dysperunia and dysmenorrhoea that are diseases of different part of Female reproductive system. Acharya Sushruta compared Yoni with Shankha Nabhi Akriti in which there are three Avartha and Garbhashaya is situated in third Avartha.  So Artavavaha Sroatsa can be considered as a whole Female Reproductive System.

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Dr.Archana Verma, Dr.Shreeram Kumawat, Dr.Sunil Kumar Yadav, ANATOMICAL STUDY OF ARTAVAVAHA SROTASA W.S.R TO , PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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