Volume : VIII, Issue : VI, June - 2019


Dr. B. Lilly Shekenah, Dr. M. Naveen Kumar, Dr. A. S. Poongodi Kanthimathi

Abstract :

Siddha system of medicine is a traditional system of healing that originated in south India and is regarded as one of the oldest system of medicine practiced in India. Siddhars contributed not only to a system of medicine but also to the knowledge of eternity, alchemy and yogic living. Skin disease is one of the most common human illnesses. Siddha has safe herbal and herbomineral treatment for skin diseases. The therapeutic quality of siddha medicines is due to the presence of the biologically active chemicals. This paper describes the qualitative analysis of kottai karanthai chooranam which act as an indicator for skin disease. The qualitative analysis of kottai karanthai chooranam indicates the presence of calcium, sulphate, chloride, ferrous iron, unsaturated compound and amino acids. The presence of these biochemicals reveals the therapeutic action in skin

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BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF MONOHERBAL DRUG KOTTAI KARANTHAI CHOORANAM, Dr. B. Lilly Shekenah, Dr. M. Naveen Kumar, Dr. A. S. Poongodi Kanthimathi PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-6 | June-2019

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