Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Women Excellence In Indian Textile Industry

Neenu. N. P

Abstract :


India is in a blooming economic power in today’s global market. Entrepreneurial development is one the major factor for the socio–economic development. Among different industries developed, the Indian textile industry and the way that it operates in the global economy exhibit how a country’s development has created a social environment. Though our country always shows very good growth in terms of apparel exports, on comparison with other countries revels that India lost opportunity in the past in growth trends of its textile and clothing industry. Government of India has developed many schemes for the entrepreneurial development of the country focusing in different areas. With this now a days, numbers of women are entering into this field of textile both as an entrepreneur as well as normal work.  Moreover wide range of small and medium firms and various subsidies and schemes of the government is a motivational factor for the women to satisfy their inner desire and passion in this field. This article is a small attempt to know the excellence of women in the field of textile as well as identifying the scope and opportunities in the textile industry,

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NEENU. N.P, Women Excellence In Indian Textile Industry, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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