Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2018

A cross sectional study to assess the nursing students' expectations and experiences of mentorship.

Maj Sivapriya S

Abstract :


Abstract:  Mentorship in nursing is integral to undergraduate nursing education and affects every nursing student. It is a requirement under the nursing governing body, that all students are supported and assessed by mentors when in clinical placement1. However, mentoring is not a simple activity and involves the development of “complex, bounded and purposeful relationships supported by knowledge, experience and opportunities for reflection” 2


The aim of the study is to determine the nursing students’ expectations and experiences regarding mentor ship.


1.        To assess the nursing students’ expectations regarding  mentorship

2.        To assess the nursing students’ experiences with mentorship

3.        To identify the kind of support provided by the mentor that is most valued by the students.

4.        To identify the methods to enhance mentorship for the nursing students

Study population:  Nursing students enrolled in selected Colleges of Nursing from different states of India (Multi centric Study)

Sampling & Size : Stratified random sampling  method is used to select 300 subjects

Research approach– Descriptive Cross sectional design

Tool : – Likert scale to assess experience and expectations of students

Analysis & Results :

Most important mentorship activities identified by this study are Life – long learning : Commitment to maintain professional competency throughout the professional nursing career,  social justice : Fair non discriminatory and equal access to all nursing students and patients &  integrity : Adherence to the nursing code of ethics and recognized standards of professional practice. A new tool was developed, validated and administered with an aim to enhance understanding of what students expect and experience, and aims to provide insight into how this transpires in reality.

Keywords :

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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A cross sectional study to assess the nursing students' expectations and experiences of mentorship. , Maj Sivapriya S , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7|Issue-12| December-2018

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