Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014

A Short Term Comparative Study of Effects of Alpha–Adrenoreceptor Blocker (Terazosin) and Beta– Adrenoreceptor Blocker (Celiprolol) an Respiratory Parameters in Mild–To–Moderate Hypertensive Patients

Dr. Sunil Kumar Mathur, Arun Kumar Sharma, Dr. Reena Mathur, Dr. Renu Mathur, Dr. Vandana Goyal

Abstract :

Introduction: Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs), diuretics, calcium channel blockers (CCBs), α- blockers, β-blockers and Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are included in the list of first line agents for the management of hypertension. Terazosin is a long acting α- receptor blocker, devoid of first dose phenomenon, with improved pharmacokinetic profile and celiprolol (β-blocker) with an additional ISA at β2 adrenergic receptor & weak α2-adrenergic blocking property have comparable & favorable impact on hypertension. Objective: To evaluate the effects of terazosin and celiprolol on respiratory parameters in mild-to-moderate hypertensive patients. Method: A single blind prospective study was carried out at tertiary care teaching hospital. Hypertensive patients meeting the inclusion critertia were given terazosin 1 to 4 mg/day at bed time in group ‘A’ and celiprolol 200 to 400 mg OD daily in group ‘B’. This strategy was followed for two weeks. Respiratory parameters were recorded before & after study period. Results obtained were analyzed statistically. Results: A significant reduction in systolic as well as diastolic BP was seen in both groups. Respiratory parameters were not significantly altered with terazosin whereas FVC, FEV1 were improved significantly with celiprolol. Conclusion: It is concluded that both the drugs terazosin & celiprolol have comparable antihypertensive effects. There was a significant improvement in respiratory parameters with celiprolol, which makes this agent valuable in patients with COPD/onchial asthma.

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Dr. Sunil Kumar Mathur, Arun Kumar Sharma, Dr. Reena Mathur, Dr. Renu Mathur, Dr. Vandana Goyal A Short Term Comparative Study of Effects of Alpha-Adrenoreceptor Blocker (Terazosin) and Beta- Adrenoreceptor Blocker (Celiprolol) an Respiratory Parameters in Mild-To-Moderate Hypertensive Patients International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014

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