Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2017

A Study of current Knowledge and Awareness of Biomedical Waste Management among the Nursing Students of Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital, Karnataka, India.

Dr. Jagiri Narotham Rao, Dr. Libert Anil Gomes, Dr. Makhdoom Killedar, Dr. Jayati Bahuguna

Abstract :

 Introduction: Biomedical waste (BWM) management is currently a burning issue more so with the increasing healthcare facilities and increasing waste generation. Therefore knowledge regarding the segregation and disposal of BMW is essential for the healthcare workers. Aim and Objective: To determine the current knowledge and awareness of nursing students regarding the biomedical waste management. Material and Methods: This cross sectional observational study was conducted on nursing students (GNM final year) of Nursing College in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital, Mysuru. They were asked to fill a predesigned questionnaire. The variables assessed were their knowledge and awareness of practices toward biomedical waste management. Results & Conclusion: A total of 45 students participated. The male 9(20%) and female 36(80%) ratio was 1:5, mean age of respondents was 21.75+1.47, on an average 80% are correct and 20% are incorrect for knowledge about biomedical waste management.73% are correct and 27% are incorrect for their awareness about the same. Results indicate that students had good knowledge and perception level about awareness practices of biomedical waste management.

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Dr. Jagiri Narotham Rao, Dr. Libert Anil Gomes, Dr.Makhdoom Killedar, Dr.Jayati Bahuguna, A Study of current Knowledge and Awareness of Biomedical Waste Management among the Nursing Students of Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital, Karnataka, India., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | Issue‾5 | May‾2017

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