Volume : I, Issue : VI, November - 2012
A Study on Employees Morale with References to Textile Industries
A. R. Kanagaraj, G. Geetha
Abstract :
“Employee morale” is instrumental in creating a unified and functional work environment. Morale influences the beliefs and actions of an individual or unit, as well as dictates the atmosphere of the environment. Morale is commonly defined as the spirit of a person or group as demonstrated by confidence, discipline, and a willingness to perform assigned tasks. Morale is an emotional state which joins employees together in order to achieve organizational goals. If they are friendly with each other. They are described as having a good or high morale. If they seem to be dissatisfied, irritated, cranky, critical, restless and pessimistic, they are described as having poor or low morale”. Various interactive behaviors such as interpersonal behavior, group behavior, use of power and authority, leadership, communication, conflict and control are the significant factors which affect the climate in an organization thus influencing productivity
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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A. R. Kanagaraj, G. Geetha A Study on Employees Morale with References to Textile Industries International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI Nov 2012
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A. R. Kanagaraj, G. Geetha A Study on Employees Morale with References to Textile Industries International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI Nov 2012
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