Volume : II, Issue : VIII, August - 2013

A study Socio, Economic Status and Health Conditions of Landless Rural Aged in Andhra Pradesh

D. Kodanda Rami Reddy

Abstract :

Old age consists of ages neå or surpassing the average life span of human beings, and thus the end of the human life cycle. Euphemisms and terms for old people include, old people (worldwide usage), seniors (American usage), senior citizens (British and American usage), older adults (in the social sciences), the elderly, and elders (in many cultures including the cultures of aboriginal people). India is the second high population country in the world and the elderly population increasing rapidly with various reasons. Today India is home to one out of every ten senior citizens of the world. Both the absolute and relative size of the population of the elderly in India will gain in strength in future. Among the total elderly population, those who live in rural areas constitute 78 percent. Many studies reviled that as the rural elderly and specifically the landless rural elderly having difficult socio-economic situation and health condition due to poor education, lack of health facilities, backwardness and many other major causes. Even though many research studies continuously inging the facts about the poor conditioned the elderly in every corner of the India, still many research studies highly required to implement more welfare measures for old age people. Present study is an attempt to Socio-Economic Status and Health Conditions of Landless Rural Aged in Andhra Pradesh.

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D. Kodanda Rami Reddy A study Socio, Economic Status and Health Conditions of Landless Rural Aged in Andhra Pradesh International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 8 August 2013

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