Volume : IX, Issue : V, May - 2020

A survey on antibiotics prescribed during endodontic treatment amongst general dentists and specialists.

Dr. Shatakshi B. Bartere, Dr. Anant A. Heda, Dr. Narendra U. Manwar, Dr. Chandani Bhatia Adwani , Dr. Neelam Rahul, Dr. Gayatri Deshmukh

Abstract :

Aim: The present study was conducted to compare the antibiotic prescription pattern during endodontic treatment amongst general dentists and specialists. Methodology: A questionnaire consisting of 10 questions for this survey regarding antibiotics used in endodontics was constructed using Survey Monkey, an internet survey tool. A link was generated and shared to 115 participants via e–mail. The collected data was then statistically analyzed. Results: The present survey link was shared with 115 candidates, included general dentists and Endodontists in and around Amravati District region, Maharashtra, India. Amongst 115 samples, 100 completed the survey, thereby achieving the response rate of 86.95%. Amoxicillin + clavulanic acid (77.78) was the first drug of choice. For a scenario of penicillin allergic patients, first drug of choice in that case will be cephalosporin (31.52%). Majority of professionals (73.20%) prescribe antibiotics before starting endodontic treatment for 3 days. Maximum professionals (93.81%) agree that their prescription vary when there is an evidence of anaerobic infection. Professionals, use antibiotics as intracanal medicament during endodontic treatment (61.61%). Generally dental professionals does not indicate antibiotic to a pregnant patient undergoing endodontic treatment (61.46). The awareness regarding antibiotic prophylaxis was found to be adequate (66.67%) amongst practioners. However, there was a lack of awareness regarding the antibiotic prescription amongst one third of the practitioners. Conclusion: The majority of professionals correctly select the antibiotics regarding endodontic infections. However, there are still professionals that inadvertently apply antibiotic therapy. Practitioners should prescribe antibiotics in accordance with the guidelines to prevent the overuse of antibiotic

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A SURVEY ON ANTIBIOTICS PRESCRIBED DURING ENDODONTIC TREATMENT AMONGST GENERAL DENTISTS AND SPECIALISTS., Dr. Shatakshi B. Bartere, Dr. Anant A. Heda, Dr. Narendra U. Manwar, Dr. Chandani Bhatia(Adwani), Dr. Neelam Rahul, Dr. Gayatri Deshmukh INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-5 | May-2020

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