Volume : II, Issue : VIII, August - 2013

Aesthetic Blight of Beach: Chennai Marina in Focus

D. Ruby, J. Kishore Ananth, Dr. V. Radhakrishnan

Abstract :

Chennai Marina Beach, has been a stop-over in the world tourists’ itinerary. Of late, it is deteriorating in quality, which triggered this study. It analyses the factors for its aesthetic blight. In it, also discussed, are restorative measures of its dwindling magnificence. Natural events such as cyclone, drifting wind, precipitation and manmade activities such as tourism, shipping, fishing, recreational, small and large scale trades, dumping, sewage waste disposal etc., by these the coast is being polluted to a visual scale. Coastal litter can be detrimental to tourism of any country as it spoils scenic beauty. Peoples are interested to visit a country that have clean coast with pleasant aesthetic value. There is a worldwide upsurge on coastal cleanup and related awareness program upon the recognition of the need of cleanliness of coast and the exorbitant cost to clean the beach. The status of Chennai marina comes under the category of beaches that have high tourist inflow, which in converse adds litter to the coast.

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D. Ruby, J. KISHORE ANANTH, Dr. V. Radhakrishnan Aesthetic Blight of Beach: Chennai Marina in Focus International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 8 August 2013

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