Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2018

Assessment Of Anemia In Pregnancy - Prevalence, Typing and Awareness

Dr. Sourabh Suresh Joshi, Irmeen Manzoor

Abstract :

This study aims at estimating prevalence ofanemia and typeit with help of red blood cell (RBC) indices. It also aims at assessing knowledge regarding anemia and to see correlation between knowledge scores with prevalence of anemia in antenatal women attending ANC (Antenatal Care) clinics. Total 100 women attending ANC OPD in a tertiary care hospital over a period of a month were randomly included in study. They were screened for anemia with Hemoglobin estimation and red blood cell indices. Their knowledge scores were also estimated with help of preformed questionnaire. Knowledge scores were correlated with prevalence of anemia. Prevalence of anemia in present study was 60% with microcytic hypochromic anemia being most common type suggesting iron deficiency. High occurrence of anemia was significantly observed in subjects with poor knowledge scores, suggesting need for imparting knowledge during ANC visits to prevent anemia.  

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Sourabh Suresh Joshi, Irmeen Manzoor, Assessment Of Anemia In Pregnancy‾Prevalence, Typing and Awareness, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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