Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

Assessment of Health Related Quality of Life in Cancer Patients Undergoing Treatment at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Delhi

Dr Madhu Upadhyay, Dr Monalisha Sahu, Dr Sundaram, Dr Preeti

Abstract :

 Context: Health related quality of life (HRQOL) is the most important health outcome in cancer patients after survival and an effective way of capturing whether adding years is actually adding life in the treated patients.

Aims: To measure the HRQOL in cancer patients at a tertiary care hospital in Delhi and to study the effects of type of cancer and treatment received on their overall quality of life (QOL).

Settings and Design: Hospital based Cross sectional study

Methods and Material:  HRQOL was assessed in patients receiving treatment for different types of cancer using European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) HRQOL questionnaire VER.3.0

Statistical analysis: Coding and scoring of responses was done and scale scores were computed. Statistical significance for qualitative data was assessed with Chi–square test and Fisher Exact Test, while that for quantitative data with Student t–test/ ANOVA, as applicable. Pearson‘s correlation test was done to assess the factors affecting QOL.

Results: A total of 33 cancer patients (20 males; 13 females) were included in the study. Seven types of cancer were identified. Pain was one of the most common physical symptoms followed by loss of appetite.


None of the socio–demographic factors were found to be affecting the overall Symptom, Functional or Global health scores significantly. Mean cognitive functional scores were highest in cancer patients undergoing treatment, followed by mean social functioning, whereas mean role functioning scores were lowest. HRQOL Functional scores were significantly lower in patient with metastatic disease whereas average Symptom scores were significantly higher.

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Dr Madhu Upadhyay, Dr Monalisha Sahu, Dr Sundaram, Dr Preeti, Assessment of Health Related Quality of Life in Cancer Patients Undergoing Treatment at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Delhi, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-8 | AUGUST‾2017

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