Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding early menarche among school girls in Bangalore

Sumathy Gee, Kokilavani N

Abstract :

Inrecentyears theageof attainingpuberty has declined gradually,from 14 or 15 years to 8 or 9 years. At such a young age there is lack of awareness regarding physiological, psychological and behavioral changes during menarche. Theaim of the study is to assess the level ofknowledge (K), attitude (A) and practice (P) regarding menarche among girls (n=30) in rural and urban schoolsin Bangalore, Karnataka. A data collection instrument (DCI) was developed to quantitatively measure the KAP.Our results show that, irrespective of the place of residence, only 20% of both rural and urban school girls had a moderate KAP (50 – 75%) regarding management of menarche. To address this lack of awareness, we propose an interventional package which is nurse led education, nurse led discussion and nurse led demonstration of exercises during menstruation.

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Sumathy Gee, Kokilavani N, Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding early menarche among school girls in Bangalore, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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