Volume : VI, Issue : IX, September - 2017

Cellulitis in broiler chicken due to Escherichia coli: A case report

N. V. Kurkure, R. T. Kale, D. K. Painkra, Deesha P. Ukey, N. N. Joat, P. M. Sonkusale, Megha P. Kaore

Abstract :

 In present study, eight oiler carcasses were presented for postmortem examination. On necropsy examination the birds revealed typical perihepatitis, pericarditis lesions of E. coli infection.  On gross examination out of these 8 birds, 3 birds revealed lesion of cellulitis characterized by thickening and reddish–own discoloration of skin on head and neck region. Similar symptoms were also present in some illing birds in the flock. Broilers with cellulitis revealed fiinous exudates in subcutaneous tissue. Microscopic examination of tissue confirmed hyperkeratosis, dermatitis, congestion and infiltration of histiocytes in dermis along with proliferation of fious tissue. On the basis of gross lesions and clinical symptoms the samples were collected for microbiological analysis. Isolates were E.coli on cultural examination which were further confirmed by Polymarase Chain Reaction.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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N. V. Kurkure, R. T. Kale, D. K. Painkra, Deesha P. Ukey, N. N. Joat, P. M. Sonkusale, Megha P. Kaore, Cellulitis in broiler chicken due to Escherichia coli: A case report, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-9 | September-2017

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