Volume : VI, Issue : IX, September - 2017

Cervical cancer: demographic pattern, clinical presentation and associated risk factors: A 5 years retrospective study in Tripura, North–East India.

Shiromani Debbarma, Gautam Majumdar

Abstract :

 Purpose: To study demographic pattern, clinical presentation and risk factors in cervical cancer. Materials and method: A retrospective study was conducted at regional cancer centre, Agartala. Medical records of 765 patients with cervical carcinoma who were registered from January 2012 to December 2016 reviewed and data analyzed. Observation and results: Among the 765 patients, 48.7% cases were at the age group of between 40–59 years. Abnormal vaginal bleeding was the most common complain and found in 74.3% cases. Stage–III (FIGO–International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) cervical cancer was the most common and presented in 40.5% cases. The most common histopathology was squamous cell carcinoma followed by adenocarcinoma with 94.3% and 5.3% respectively.  History of chewing paan (betel leaf with quid and zarda), smoking and consumption of alcohol was noted in 52.1%, 39.8% and 7.7% cases respectively. Marriage below 20 years of age was observed in 51.1% of patients and multy parity in 69.1% of patients. Majority of patients belonged to rural areas and were of low socio–economic strata with 80.1% and 50.0% respectively. Conclusion: In this study majority of patients were present in advanced stages of disease. Abnormal vaginal bleeding was the most common presenting symptom. Rural population and low income groups affected more by the disease.

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Shiromani Debbarma, Gautam Majumdar, Cervical cancer: demographic pattern, clinical presentation and associated risk factors: A 5 years retrospective study in Tripura, North–East India., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-9 | September-2017

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