Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Characterisation of ring enhancing lesions in Brain with MRI and MR spectroscopy – A series of 62 Cases

Dr. B Venkateswarlu, Dr. G. Ramu

Abstract :


Multiple ring–enhancing lesions are one of the most commonly encountered neuroimaging abnormalities. MRI‘s inherent sensitivity as well as its capability to directly image in any plane without reformatting, and to be unimpeded or undistorted by bony structures. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) provides information about the possible extent and nature of changes on a routine MRI scan by analyzing the presence and/or ratio of tissue metabolites such as NAA, creatine, choline, and lactate etc.



Ø  To study the characteristic imaging findings of various ring enhancing lesions and to differentiate neoplastic from non neoplastic ain lesions using conventional and advanced MR imaging techniques.


Ø  To study the role of MR spectroscopy in the evaluation of various ring enhancing lesions in the ain with a single voxel proton MR spectroscopy.


Materials and methods:

Statistical analysis of 62 cases of cereal ring enhancing lesions detected on contrast MR studies in ASRAMS, Eluru. Conventional spin echo sequences, axial T1, T2 and FLAIR: Coronal T2; Sagittal T1; Post contrast T1 axial, coronal and sagittal; DWI; T2 GRE Single voxel spectroscopy was performed in all cases. MRI scan was performed using MR SIEMENS MAGNETOM Avanto machine 1.5T.

Duration of study:

The study was carried over a period of two years from November 2015 to October 2017

Keywords :

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. B Venkateswarlu, Dr. G. Ramu, Characterisation of ring enhancing lesions in Brain with MRI and MR spectroscopy‾A series of 62 Cases, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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