Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016
Dr Ranbeer Singh, Prof Dr B Kumar
Abstract :
without gastric mucosal atrophy leading to deficient absorption of vitamin B12 and macrocytic anemia. This study examined how serum vitamin B12 levels relate to chronic gastritis and to hematological findings in patients with chronic gastritis as well as to confirm that H. pylori eradication therapy increases serum B12 level, resolves symptoms of gastritis and improvement in the clinical features of vita B12 deficiency. In the present study we included total 120 cases, presented in outdoor patients department of Glocal Medical College and Hospital, Mirzapur, Dist. Saharanpur, over a period of 6 months i.e. from the month of July 2015 to month of December 2015, with clinical history suggestive of chronic gastritis from a period of last 4–5 years or more. Out of total 120 patients 72 (60%) were males and 48 (40%) were females. Maximum numbers of patients were present in 6th to 8th decade of life in both the gender. Out of total 120 patients 78 patients (65.00%) were found positive for H. pylori stool antigen test, which includes 52 (72.22%) male patients out of 72 male patients and 26 (54.17%) female patients out of 48 female patients. Total 78 patients were found to be positive for H. pylori, out of this 55 (70.51%) found with vitamin B12 deficiency. Out of total 120 patients with chronic gastritis 55 patients (45.83%) found with vitamin B12 deficiency as well as positive with H. pylori infection. 7 patients (5.83%) out of total 120 patients were found negative for HpSA and Vitamin B12 deficient. In haematological parameters we considered haemoglobin, Mean Carpuscular Volume (MCV) and peripheral blood film examination. As far as haemoglobin is concerned we divided patients into two oad categories as (i) 8–12 mg/dl and less than 8 mg/dl (ii) more than 12 mg/dl. Out of total 120 patients 55 (45.83%) are found to be positive with H. pylori and with vitamin B12 deficiency. Out of 55 patients 38 (69.09%) have moderate to severe anaemia with Hb values less than 8 mg/dl and between 8–12 mg/dl. 42 (76.36%) patients found to have MCV more than 100. On peripheral blood film examination 40 (72.73%) showed macrocytosis. We conclude that vitamin B12 deficiency is more pronounced in Helicobactor pylori infection leading to variable clinical manifestations.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr Ranbeer Singh, Prof Dr B Kumar Chronic Gastritis with Macrocytic
Anaemia: a Clinico-Haematological
Correlation. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016
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Dr Ranbeer Singh, Prof Dr B Kumar Chronic Gastritis with Macrocytic Anaemia: a Clinico-Haematological Correlation. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016
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