Volume : VIII, Issue : I, January - 2019

Clinical profile of patients with perforation peritonitis.

Balvinder Singh, Mansoor Ul Haq Chowdhary, Ankush Banotra, Sonika Kumari, Nymphaea Rajput, Narinder Kumar Thapa

Abstract :


Background: Peritonitis is common surgical emergency in which there occurs inflammation of peritoneum and peritoneal cavity. It is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. So the aim of the study was to evaluate the clinico–etiological profile of perforation peritonitis in our setting.

Methods: This study was conducted in a tertiary care centre of Kashmir, over a period of 2 years in which 100 patients diagnosed with perforation peritonitis were serial evaluated.

Results: In our study the dominant gender involved was male sex(68%). Mean age of study population was 34.12 years. The most common age group involved was 21–40 years (44%) . Abdominal pain was the commonest presenting symptoms (100%), followed by nausea and vomiting (88%). The commonest site of pathology was gastroduodenal region (50%) and peptic ulcer disease was the most common aetiology confirmed.

Conclusion: Patients presenting to our emergency clinic with such clinical profile should be recognised promptly so as to rapidly develop a plan for further management and put our resources at best use.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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CLINICAL PROFILE OF PATIENTS WITH PERFORATION PERITONITIS., Balvinder Singh, Mansoor-Ul-Haq Chowdhary, Ankush Banotra, Sonika Kumari, Nymphaea Rajput, Narinder Kumar Thapa INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-1 | January-2019

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