Volume : VI, Issue : IX, September - 2017

Clinicopathological Survey of Carcinoma Uterine Cervix in Patients Attending Tertiary Care Hospital of Central Uttar Pradesh

Dr Dileep Kumar Jain, Dr. Prakriti Shukla, Dr. Vivek Gupta

Abstract :

 Carcinoma cervix is the third most common cancer in women worldwide and the commonest cause of mortality in developing countries. The present survey was conducted with the aim to study the different histopathological subtypes and their clinical outcome in a small subset of population from central Uttar Pradesh. Forty six cases of carcinoma cervix were studied, out of which, 91 % were squamous cell carcinoma while remaining 9 % were adenocarcinoma. The mean age of presentation was 56 years and the commonest symptoms were white discharge and postmenopausal bleeding. While most cases of adenocarcinoma showed poor survival rate, a rare case of clear cell adenocarcinoma with good prognosis was also observed in our study. Mortality with carcinoma cervix was highest in stage III patients with perineural invasion and nodal metastasis. Thus, early detection and appropriate management can help prolong disease free survival in patients with carcinoma cervix.

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Dr Dileep Kumar Jain, Dr. Prakriti Shukla, Dr. Vivek Gupta, Clinicopathological Survey of Carcinoma Uterine Cervix in Patients Attending Tertiary Care Hospital of Central Uttar Pradesh, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-9 | September-2017

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