Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017

Comparison of Tramadol and Dexmeditomidine for the control of intraoperative shivering under spinal anesthesia, a double blind randomized control study.

Dr. Kapurkar Vilas S.

Abstract :

 Aims and Objectives: To compare the efficacy of 2 drugs 1mcg/Kg Dexmeditomidine and 50 mg Tramadol with respect to          

·         Time from drug administration to control of shivering.

·         Recurrence of shivering after administration of drug.

·         Adverse effects.

·         Hemodynamic changes.

Materials and Methods:  A prospective randomized, double blind study involving 20 patients in each group was conducted. One group (Group D) received Dexmeditomidine 1mcg/Kg over 5 min and the other received 50mg Tramadol IV over 5 min.  The efficacy of the drug in terms of disappearance of shivering, time of disappearance was noted and also side effects. The grading of shivering was assessed by using Crossley and Mahajan Scale.

Results: The Results were analyzed statistically

·         Dexmeditomidine and Tramadol are effective in treating patients with post spinal shivering but the time taken for control of shivering was shorter with Dexmeditomidine as compared to the Tramadol.

·         Dexmeditomidine causes fewer side effects as compared to Tramadol.

·         Arousable sedation caused by Dexmeditomidine provides additional comfort to the patient.

Conclusion: Dexmeditomidine controls the post spinal shivering faster than Tramadol and it has fewer side effects as compared to Tramadol.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Kapurkar Vilas S., Comparison of Tramadol and Dexmeditomidine for the control of intraoperative shivering under spinal anesthesia, a double blind randomized control study., International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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