Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018
Early and late complication of cataract surgery: observational study
Dr. Jitendra Kumar, Dr. Vijay Pratap
Abstract :
Purpose: The main aim of study A) To evaluate the incidence of various early and late complication of routine cataract surgery. B) Contributory factors that affect the outcome of cataract surgery. Method: A total of 1000 Patients/eye who were diagnosed as a case of cataract and operated, were included in this observational study. All patients with cataract were included in this study irrespective of their visual acuity, age, type of cataract, visual outcome and prognosis. Cases with extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) were excluded from the study. All selected cases were taken for routine examination and investigation as like Intraocular pressure (IOP), syringing, blood pressure (BP), random blood pressure (RBS), ECG, CBC, ESR, clotting time (CT), and bleeding time (BT). Pre–operative assessments as like xylocaie sensitivity, part preparation, and proper antibiotic coverage were done before surgery. After cataract surgery patients were evaluated within 24 for hours for detection of early complications and proper follow up at 1st week then at 1st, 2nd, 4th and 6th month after cataract surgery for late complications. Results: The most common early complication of cataract surgery was stromal edema 22.10% followed by keratitis 12%, Post–operative pain and inflammation was 8%, Hyphaema 4.70%, and shallow AC 4.30%. Rest other complications were raised IOP, Wound leakage, and Toxic anterior segment syndrome were less than 2%. In this study the most common late complication was posterior capsule opacification (PCO) 21.10 % followed by prolonged postoperative inflammation 4.2%, persistent corneal edema 3.9%, vitreous detachment 2%, postoperative uveitis 1.7%, cystoid macular edema (CME) 1% and Endophthalmitis , IOL dislocation, and retinal detachment were found in less than 1% cases. Conclusion: As a clinician, the most important step is to assess the patient pre–operatively to predict high risk individuals and to counsel them appropriately. In these patients, various pre– or post–operative management steps can be taken in addition to routine cataract surgery to optimize their visual outcome
Keywords :
Cystoid macular edema Endophthalmitis Extracapsular cataract extraction Hyphaema Posterior capsule opacification Stromal edema Xylocaine sensitivity
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr. Jitendra Kumar, Dr. Vijay Pratap, Early and late complication of cataract surgery: observational study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH :
Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018
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Dr. Jitendra Kumar, Dr. Vijay Pratap, Early and late complication of cataract surgery: observational study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018
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