Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2016

Effect of Chloralkali solid waste effluent on Caloric content in fodder of a little millet crop

K. L. Barik

Abstract :

 The little millet (Panicum sumatrense Rath ex. Roem and Schult) crop variety SS. 81–1, exposed to chlor–alkali solid waste effluent @ 100 gm–2 (treatment – 1),200 g m –2 (treatment – 2), 300 g m–2 (treatment – 3) and 400 g m–2 (treatment – 4) was studied in vivo at the Agriculture Research Station, Ankuspur in the District of Ganjam, Odisha at an interval of 15 days starting from 30 days after sowing (DAS) till harvest of the crop following the ICAR technology proposed by Seetharam (1994) with little modification depending upon the soil condition and climate of the locality. The method and formula as proposed by Leith (1975) were employed for the determination of caloric value of the material. Caloric content of fodder in control and various treatments were determined. Very little or no increase in caloric value was observed from control to treatment – 1, 2 and then to treatment–3. Treatment – 4 showed less caloric content to that of treatment – 3. The caloric value of fodder in control and all treatments showed high order of variation (p ≤ 0 .001). However, the ANOVA test for caloric values in the control, treatments – 1, 2 and 3 did not show significant variation

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K. L. Barik Effect of Chloralkali solid waste effluent on Caloric content in fodder of a little millet crop International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 8 |August 2016

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