Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017

Enactment of ChaCha Stream Cipher based BLAKE Function using SHA

Sudheesh S. R

Abstract :

 Cryptographic hash functions are used to protect information integrity and authenticity in a wide range of applications. After the discovery of weaknesses in the current deployed standards, the U.S. Institute of Standards and Technology started a public competition to develop the future standard SHA–3, which will be implemented in a multitude of environments, after its selection in 2012. In this paper the VLSI implementation of one of the 14 “second–round” candidates BLAKE for 64 bit and the round rescheduling technique design are proposed by using modulo 2n adder and adiabatic multiplexer for high throughput when compared to SHA 2.


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Sudheesh S.R, Enactment of ChaCha Stream Cipher based BLAKE Function using SHA, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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