Volume : VI, Issue : IX, September - 2017

Entreprenuership Education for Sustainable Development

Dr. Nagaraju, Dr. Sharmista

Abstract :

  The present system of education is unable to create employment opportunities for the youth. Educating the youth is necessary to make changes in the knowledge, skills, values, behavior and lifestyles required to achieve sustainability and stability in their lives. Hence it must be a high priority to reorient the educational system and curricula of our country towards these needs. There is a need to develop a specific entrepreneurial culture among the young generation. Most of these considerations are absent in the present educational scenario.  To empower the youth, it is necessary to know the barriers and the other factors that affect their careers. It is also necessary to create awareness among the youth to meet the challenges of the open market policy.  Self–employment that keeps pace with the times is necessary for socio–economic development. The reorientation of formal education system towards sustainable development , at all levels, including higher education for the youth that gives due importance to both the content and the outcomes of sustainable development is essential. Entreprenuership education can generate self–employment among the trained youths and change their lives. Every youth must acquire the the basic skills  to start and run an enterprise. Vocational, technological and entrepreneurial skills are required for self–sustainable enterprise.


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Dr.Nagaraju, Dr.Sharmista, Entreprenuership Education for Sustainable Development, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-9 | September-2017

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