Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016

Fetomaternal outcome in cases of oligohydramnios A Prospective observational study

Dr. Sharayu Mirji, Dr. Meena Satia

Abstract :

 Objective– Aim of the current study was to study the perinatal outcome in pregnancies with oligohydramnios and the association between oligohydramnios and other adverse pregnancy conditions. Method– A prospective observational study was conducted on 150 pregnant women diagnosed with oligohydramnios in a tertiary care hospital. Amniotic fluid index of less than 8 cm and gestational age of more than or equal to 28 weeks were taken as inclusion criteria. For the purpose of analysis, the patients were further divided into two groups– Group I with severe oligohydramnios AFI < or equal to 5 and group II ie with borderline oligohydramnios with AFI between 5 and 8. Result– The incidence of associated maternal and fetal complications were higher in women with severe oligohydramnios as compared to those with borderline oligohydramnios. Conclusion– The risk of adverse perinatal outcome increases with increasing severity of oligohydramnios. The earlier in pregnancy that oligohydramnios develops, the poorer is the prognosis.

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Dr. Sharayu Mirji, Dr. Meena Satia Fetomaternal outcome in cases of oligohydramnios A Prospective observational study International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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