Volume : VII, Issue : IX, September - 2018

Histopathological Analysis of Appendix in Clinically Diagnosed and operated Acute Appendicitis Cases– A Retrospective Study

Dr. Basavanandswami. C. Harthimath, Dr. Sankappa. P. Sinhasan

Abstract :

Appendicitis is the inflammation of the appendix. Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical cause of acute abdomen. There is no doubt that early diagnosis with prompt surgical intervention is the goal. Delay in treatment can cause certain complications. On the other hand, prompt diagnosis and emergency operation can result in a number of negative appendectomies.  The diagnosis of acute appendicitis is predominantly a clinical one, many patients present with a typical history and examination findings. The cause of acute appendicitis is unknown but is probably multifactorial. Despite technologic advances, the confirmation of diagnosis of appendicitis is still based on histopathological examination of resected specimens. In some cases the histopathology will not reveal any active inflammation of the appendix. Hence this study is conducted to audit the appendicectomy specimens received with clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis.

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Dr. Basavanandswami. C. Harthimath, Dr. Sankappa. P. Sinhasan, Histopathological Analysis of Appendix in Clinically Diagnosed and operated Acute Appendicitis Cases– A Retrospective Study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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