Volume : I, Issue : VII, December - 2012
Hypothesizing the Role of Renal Secondary Hypertension in Ischemic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A aase Report
Prasanna V, Kishan M M, Ranjana Elizabeth James
Abstract :
Understanding the pathophysiology of Ischemic sudden sensorineural heå loss (ISSNHL) continues to be an enigma. With numerous probable etiologies cited and many hypotheses attempting to explain the pathophysiology, it is quite essential to understand the stand of various theories for the management of the condition. The widely believed etiology being vascular abnormalities in the microcirculatory cochlear structures throws a light for further understanding which is required to explain the recovery in cases of sudden sensorineural heå loss. This case report is an evidence of sudden sensorineural heå loss associated with chronic renal condition of Cystitis Glandularis, assumed to have had a vascular cause owing to hypertension secondary to chronic renal disease and recovered significantly with the right treatment.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Prasanna V, Kishan M M, Ranjana Elizabeth James Hypothesizing the Role of Renal Secondary Hypertension in Ischemic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A aase Report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII Dec 2012
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Prasanna V, Kishan M M, Ranjana Elizabeth James Hypothesizing the Role of Renal Secondary Hypertension in Ischemic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A aase Report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII Dec 2012
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