Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2014

Impact Of Icds On Developmental Status Of Children Below 2Yrs In Telangana

T. Ashajyothi, Dr. L. Umadevi, V. Kavitha Kiran

Abstract :

ICDS -Integrated child development service is India’s commitment to her future. It is world’s largest, unique integrated programme for health, nutritional, social, motor, language and cognitive development. Children are most valuable assets, strength and future of our country. Therefore our progress lies in their development. ICDS Manual says ‘Children are now recognized as the first priority call on agenda of development, not only because this is desirable societal investment in nations future human resource development but also early childhood is vulnerable and most crucial period, when foundations are laid for long learning and human development. Every year government spends enomorous amount on ICDS programme. The present study was taken up to see the impact of ICDS on the developmental milestones of children below 2 years in Telangana villages.

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T.Ashajyothi,Dr.L.UmaDevi,V.Kavitha Kiran Impact Of Icds On Developmental Status Of Children Below 2Yrs In Telangana International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014

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