Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2017

In Oral SubMucous Fibrosis: Taste Alteration Unnotified symptom A Clinicobiochemical Research

Dr. Monu Yadav, Sapna Jaiswal, Dr. Anand Mishra, Dr. Ramakant

Abstract :

 Aim & Objective: To evaluate the gustatory functions of subjects with clinically diagnosed OSMF and to compare with a control group involving normal healthy adults. Materials & method: 60 samples collected from our Dental department, GCRG Institute of Medical sciences and Hospital, Lucknow. Clinically diagnosed Oral Sub–mucous fiosis (OSMF) and divided into two groups. Group 1 consists clinically diagnosed with OSMF and group 2 consist healthy individuals. Apply freshly prepare four tastants such sweet, salt, sour and bitter for gustatory evaluation and compare to healthy individuals.  Results: In this study unpaired–t test perform and obtained significant taste alteration was found with salt followed by sweet, bitter and sour. Conclusion: Aside from increasing risk of cancer the change in taste perception in OSMF patients often leads to depression.

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Dr. Monu Yadav, Sapna Jaiswal, Dr. Anand Mishra, Dr. Ramakant, In Oral SubMucous Fibrosis: Taste Alteration Unnotified symptom A Clinicobiochemical Research, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-2 | FEBRUARY-2017

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