Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Isolation And Identification of Bacteria From Different Cosmetic Samples And to Check Antimicrobial Activity of Antibiotics on Bacteria Isolated

Aakriti Guleria

Abstract :

In present study,investigation has been performed for Isolation and Identification of different types of bacteria from Cosmetic Samples. Samples were taken as Powder ,Kajal, Moisturizer, Lipstick and Eyeliner. Microorganisms like E.coli ,Staphylococcus and Bacillus were isolated from cosmetic samples. E.coli were isolated from Kajal ,Staphylococcus from Powder and Bacillus from Moisturizer.No microorganisms were isolated from Lipstick and Eyeliner.Isolation of three bacteria from three different samples of cosmetics showed Gram positive,rod shaped cocci and Gram negative bacilli.These microorganisms are identified on the basis of colony morphology on Nutrient Agar,by Microscopy,growth on selective media and final identification by biochemical analysis.Then antimicrobial activity of the antibiotics was checked.Three antibiotics were used namely Chloramphenicol,Streptomycin and Tetracyclin. Chloramphenicol showed greater or maximum zone of inhibition for E.coli i.e 11mm and minimum zone of inhibition for Staphylococcus i.e 8mm.Tetracyclin showed maximum zone of inhibition for Bacillus i.e 14mm and minimum zone of inhibition for Staphylococcus i.e 8mm. Streptomycin showed maximum zone of inhibition for Staphylococcus i.e 9mm. E.coli was the most prevalent bacteria among most of the cosmetic samples while Staphylococcus and Bacillus were found in least quantity.Results declared that Chloramphenicol is effective against E.coli. Tetracyclin is effective against Bacillus and Streptomycin has intermediate effect on Bacillus.

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Aakriti Guleria Isolation And Identification of Bacteria From Different Cosmetic Samples And to Check Antimicrobial Activity of Antibiotics on Bacteria Isolated International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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