Volume : II, Issue : VII, July - 2013

Logistics – Way of Introducing Progress in the Company

Marius Boi , Cosmina Reme , Gheorghe Grigorescu

Abstract :

Logistics must ensure to the organization what it’s necessary for it to exist and function well (raw materials, capacity for storage / warehousing, inland transportation etc.). Logistics projects understood as the overall logistical steps have an impact on the structure as well as the company culture. Deep cultural shift on the structures are those made on time. They keep the role of driving the logistics and prevent the occurrence of constraints at a certain time in the way of practical application of competitive logistics projects. Depth analysis of a logistics system requires a structured representation of it which allows anticipation of the reaction of the logistics system to the changes that will be made.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Marius BOI?? , Cosmina REME?, Gheorghe GRIGORESCU Logistics - Way of Introducing Progress in the Company International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 7 July 2013

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