Volume : I, Issue : VI, November - 2012
Long Term Playing of Table Tennis Improve the Visual Reaction Time
Dr. Kalpesh Vidja, Dr. Shital D, Dr. Mahesh B, Dr. Priti B, Dr. Jatin C, Dr. Hitesh J
Abstract :
Introduction: Reaction time is the time interval between applications of a visual stimulus to onset of response. The present study was conducted to measure simple visual reaction time in 50 table tennis players. Material Method: The Simple visual reaction time was measured by the direct RT computerized software in table tennis players. During the visual reaction time testing, visual stimuli were given for eighteen times and average reaction time was taken as the final reaction time. Result: In this study we observed that visual reaction time is shorter in table tennis players who are playing table tennis for longer duration than who are playing table tennis for short duration. It was also found that continuing playing of table tennis improves reaction time. Conclusion: Our study concluded that playing of table tennis for longer time is beneficial to eye–hand reaction time, concentration and alertness
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr.Kalpesh Vidja, Dr. Shital D, Dr.Mahesh B, Dr. Priti B, Dr.Jatin C, Dr.Hitesh J Long Term Playing of Table Tennis Improve the Visual Reaction Time International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI Nov 2012
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Dr.Kalpesh Vidja, Dr. Shital D, Dr.Mahesh B, Dr. Priti B, Dr.Jatin C, Dr.Hitesh J Long Term Playing of Table Tennis Improve the Visual Reaction Time International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI Nov 2012
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