Volume : IX, Issue : II, February - 2020


Sai Ramesh Patwardhan, Jyothi S. Warrier, Aparna Lakhe, Vineet Sinha, Rajesh Kumar Jain

Abstract :

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death. An electrocardiogram is the basic tool to diagnose these diseases. Manual interpretation of ECG for disease diagnosis is time–consuming and tedious. Therefore automated computer–based ECG interpretation and diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases is being attempted. This may help the doctor in diagnosing diseases in less time and quick treatment. In this study, earlier work of researchers (Application software – Analysis–ECG version 2.0 developed in LabWindows CVI) for feature extraction of ECG is modified and being extended for diagnosis of Myocardial infarctions, Hyperkalemia and Ventricular hypertrophies.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS ON ECG SIGNAL, Sai Ramesh Patwardhan, Jyothi S. Warrier, Aparna Lakhe, Vineet Sinha, Rajesh Kumar Jain INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-2 | February-2020

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