Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Metaanalysis of differentially expressed genes in glioblastoma based on microarray data

Sweta P Tripathi, Vinal Upadhyay, Himanshu A. Pandya, Rakesh M Rawal

Abstract :

 To shorlist genes involved in development of glioblastoma (GB), we performed a meta–analysis of GB microarray data sets to indentify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and annotate them to understand their biological functions in primary tumor. Publicly available seven GEO datasets of GB were used to perform a meta–analysis. Differentially expressed 537 DEGs across the GB population 160, were up–regulated and 377, down–regulated. GO terms for molecular functions significantly enriched were in protein binding and metal ion binding, while for biological processes, the enriched GO terms were signal transduction and apoptotic process, and for cellular component, the enriched GO terms were cytoplasm and nucleus. The most significant pathway in our KEGG analysis was pathways in cancer. PPI network analysis indicated that the significant hub proteins containing DOPEY1, NCBP2 and EIF4E2, USP46 and CDC37L1. Our meta–analysis identified DEGs and biological functions integrated with gene expression changes in GB, which is useful further identification and classification of GB among all ain neoplasm.

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Sweta P Tripathi, Vinal Upadhyay, Himanshu A. Pandya, Rakesh M Rawal, Metaanalysis of differentially expressed genes in glioblastoma based on microarray data, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-7 | JULY-2017

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