Volume : I, Issue : V, October - 2012

Phytotoxic interference of roots of Chenopodium ambrosioides against some weeds

Esmaeil Hadidi Masouleh

Abstract :

Chenopodium amosioides (Mexican tea or Indian wormseed), a native of tropical America, is an annual erect, profusely anched herb with camphoraceous smell. It has naturalized various parts of India up to an altitude of 2300m MSL. The present study investigated the nature of phytotoxic interference of C. amosioides against two agricultural weeds, Echinochloa crus–galli and Phalaris minor. Root extracts of C. amosioides were observed to be inhibitory towards germination and early growth measured in terms of root and shoot length and seedling dry weight of test weeds. A significant amount of water–soluble phytotoxins were present in root extracts. The observed growth reduction in seedling growth was concomitant with the amount of phenolic compounds in C. amosioides root extracts. The study concludes that root exudates of C. amosioides suppress the growth of weeds by releasing allelochemicals into the soil. Allelopathy seems to play a signi?cant role in root–mediated negative interference of C. amosioides.  

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Esmaeil Hadidi Masouleh Phytotoxic interference of roots of Chenopodium ambrosioides against some weeds International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.V Oct 2012

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