Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017

Prevalence of Hypertension among the Indian population: MetaAnalysis.

Pawan Kumar, V. K. Shivgotra, Santoshi Kumari

Abstract :


Background: The study attempted to identify the prevalence of hypertension in India as well as urban and rural population of India. There are many descriptive studies on prevalence of hypertension in India, mostly assessing the prevalence of the diseases and its associations with various risk factors. We systemically reviewed the all available studies and analyzed their finding by using Meta–analysis method.

Method: In the present study, we searched electronic databases MEDLINE, Pub Med, Google Scholar from 1990 to July 2015 for prevalence of Hypertension, burden of Hypertension among Indian population. Data was analyzed using the MetaXL package version 3.0 of Excel worksheet. The random effect model was used to calculate the estimate of the prevalence of hypertension rather than fixed effect model. The random effect model takes into account any heterogeneity inherent in the Meta–analysis.

Results: Overall prevalence of hypertension in India was 26.6% (95%CI: 23.6%–29.7%). A significant differences in hypertension prevalence were noted between rural and urban parts i.e. 29.6% (95%CI: 24.9%–34.5%) in urban and 24.3% (95%CI: 21.1%–27.7%) in rural. 

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Pawan Kumar, V.K.Shivgotra, Santoshi Kumari, Prevalence of Hypertension among the Indian population: MetaAnalysis., International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 6 | Issue : 1 | JANUARY 2017

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