Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2018

Prevalence of impacted maxillary Canine teeth & Dentigerous cyst (A prospective study)

Dr Parveen Akhter Lone, Dr Satish Kumar Sharma

Abstract :


Objectives & Aims   Canine impaction is one of the anomalies that   should be considered by clinicians in detail. The aim of  this study was to determine the incidence  , prevalence , patterns & potential distribution  of  impacted maxillary  canine teeth stratified by gender ,location (RT or LT) , unilateral or bilateral . This study also aims to evaluate the possible relationship between impacted Maxillary   canines with  large dentigerous cysts in maxilla

Methods   The study was carried out in the department of Oral & Maxillofacial surgery .patients were referred from oral medicine, radiology department with the symptom of swelling, pain, discharge or missing canines & retained deciduous canines.  After examination of panoramic radiographs & clinical symptoms diagnosis was made, associated symptoms like pain, swelling, number, localization (RT/LT) age & sex, retained deciduous teeth, root resorption of adjacent teeth was also noted

The included sample consisted of 100  patients diagnosed with canine impactions / transmigrated canines on clinical examination & panoramic radiographs. Age ranged from 18 to 50 years.  59.61% females 40.38% males.    60.22%maxilla,46.70% mandible .63.17% unilateral,36.3%bilateral ,.

Conclusion The early detection of impacted  maxillary canine teeth  is crucial for successful treatment, therefore demographic studies are important & should be managed to prevent complications.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr Parveen Akhter Lone, Dr Satish kumar Sharma, Prevalence of impacted maxillary Canine teeth & Dentigerous cyst (A prospective study), INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-1 | January-2018

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