Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2018


Dr. Atul Jain, Dr. Anukreti Agrawal

Abstract :


Response to heat and cold have been accepted as a valid parameter for testing the integrity within the pulp. In the selected 20 volunteers, various pulp sensibility test and the most appropriate site for carrying out these test in Maxillary Central Incisor and First Molar teeth were tested. Endoice gave the quickest response, followed by heated Gutta Percha and Electic pulp tester. In Maxillary Central Incisor, the most sensitive site was found to be incisal third followed by middle and cervical third on facial and palatal surface. In Maxillary First Molar, the most sensitive site was found to be mesio–buccal cusp tip followed by incisal third of facial surface.

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PULP SENSIBILITY TESTS , Dr.Atul Jain, Dr. Anukreti Agrawal , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7|Issue-11| November-2018

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