Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2014

Rare Case of Frontoethmoidal Mucocele with Orbital Invasion a Case Report

Dr. P. Vithal Prasad, Dr. C. P. Das, Dr. Mohanty D, Dr. Prathyusha

Abstract :

Fronto ethmoidal mucoceles can present with different clinical features, mostly ophthalmic. Though not a neopalsm, they have a tendency to expand by thinning the bony walls of sinuses. They displace and invade sorrounding structures by pressure and bony resorption. Orbital involvement mimics the behaviour of benign neoplasms primarily arising in the orbit. Here with we are reporting a case of frontoethmoidal mucocele extending into the orbit, in a 60 year old female patient, whose eye has been enucleated following trauma. Endoscopic sinus surgery done under LA gave good relief from symptoms.

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Dr. P. VITHAL PRASAD, Dr. C. P. DAS, DR. MOHANTY D, Dr. PRATHYUSHA Rare Case of Frontoethmoidal Mucocele with Orbital Invasion a Case Report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 7 July 2014

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