Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2018
Replacement Arthroplasty for the treatment of Intra-capsular Fracture neck femur in the elderly
Dr. Raveendra Babu. Rayalapeta Veerappa
Abstract :
Fracture neck of femur is commonly seen in elderly patients with trivial injury due to osteoporotic bones. If union of fracture is not likely to be achieved, the surgeon has to choose the alternate method suitable to the patients depending on their age, life style, profession and economical status.
From September 2014 to October 2016, total 25 cases of intra–capsular fracture neck femur (IC#NF) were treated by total hip arthroplasty (THR)– 3 cases, bipolar hemi arthroplasty – 12 cases, Austin–moore’s hemi arthroplasty (AMP)– 7 cases and Girdle–stone excision arthroplasty – 3 cases. Detailed personal, family history and patients personal requirements were considered to decide the suitable procedures for these patients. Harris hip score was followed to all the patients at final follow up which is ranging from 45 to 83 with mean 64.All the patients were ambulatory independently and performing their daily routine activities. There were no major complications.
Keywords :
Intra–capsular fracture neck femur bipolar/ Austin–moore’s hemi arthroplasty total hip replacement
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Replacement Arthroplasty for the treatment of Intra-capsular Fracture neck femur in the elderly , Dr. Raveendra Babu. Rayalapeta Veerappa , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7|Issue-11| November-2018
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Replacement Arthroplasty for the treatment of Intra-capsular Fracture neck femur in the elderly , Dr. Raveendra Babu. Rayalapeta Veerappa , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7|Issue-11| November-2018
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