Volume : VII, Issue : IX, September - 2018

Role of Hysteroscopy and its Correlation With Histopathology in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Pankaj Singh, Dr Somya Singh

Abstract :

Background: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) is a leading cause ofmorbidity ingynaecological practice, and it poses a real challenge for gynaecologists. Dilation and Curettage was the most common investigation forAbnormal uterine bleeding previously. Now a days ,hysteroscopy has been added on as an emerging tool for investigation of Abnormal uterine bleeding. The present study was conducted to evaluate the usefulness of hysteroscopy with Dilation and Curettage in Abnormal uterine bleeding and also to correlatehysteroscopic finding with the histopathology reports.

Methods–The present study was an observational study, carried out in the Department of obstetrics and gynaecology, Mayo Institute of Medical Sciences,Barabanki. After clearance from the institutional ethical committee.The period of study was one year from December 2016 to November 2017, in which 100 consecutive patients  with AUB coming to OPD , and following all the inclusion and exclusion criteria  were taken. The data was obtained in a semi structured performa.

Results –Most common bleeding pattern observed inthis study was menorrhagia (45%), hysteroscopy shows abnormality detection rate of 55%, this was significantly greater than curettage. While correlating hysteroscopy findings with histopathology it shows that in 45 patients with normal hysteroscopy finding,40 patients have normal histopathology reports, showing strong correlation.  Thus hysteroscopy in association with histopathology is new “gold standard” for evaluation of Abnormal uterine bleeding.

Conclusion–This study concludes that hysteroscopy has a definite role in evaluating abnormal uterine bleeding and it complements histopathology in making a diagnosis in case of abnormal uterine bleeding.

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Pankaj Singh, Dr Somya Singh, Role of Hysteroscopy and its Correlation With Histopathology in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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