Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2018
Sheeba Khan, Pankaj Banode, Suresh Phatak, Hasnayan Sabir, Nipun Gupta, Priya Lohchab
Abstract :
Aim and objective: To study the role of MR spectroscopy in the evaluation and differential diagnosis of various ring enhancing lesions in the ain with multi–voxel proton MR spectroscopy.
Materials and methods: It is the prospective observational study carried out on 42 patients from June 2016 to Aug 2018 at Department of Radiodiagnosis at AVBRH, DMIMS, Sawangi, Wardha. Appropriate MRI sequences with spectroscopy and multiplanar imaging has been performed on patients with intracranial ring enhancing lesions.
Result and Conclusion: Total 42 patients were taken. Most common lesions seen were tuberculoma (38%) followed by ain metastasis (34%), neurocysticercosis (16%) and pyogenic ain abscess (12%). On MRS, Tuberculoma was differentiated from NCC by high Cho: Cr ratio > 1.1 and high lipid lactate peak. Special peaks like amino acids, acetate, aspartate and succinate were seen in pyogenic ain abcess while alanine and succinate were present in NCC. High choline peak and high Cho: Cr ratio were seen in ain metastases.
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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ROLE OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY (MRS) IN VARIOUS RING ENHANCING LESIONS IN BRAIN , Sheeba Khan, Pankaj Banode, Suresh Phatak, Hasnayan Sabir, Nipun Gupta, Priya Lohchab , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7|Issue-11| November-2018
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ROLE OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY (MRS) IN VARIOUS RING ENHANCING LESIONS IN BRAIN , Sheeba Khan, Pankaj Banode, Suresh Phatak, Hasnayan Sabir, Nipun Gupta, Priya Lohchab , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7|Issue-11| November-2018
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