Volume : III, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Rural Marketing: The ‘New Avtar‘ of Marketing and The Key Driver for Indian Economy

Usha Patel

Abstract :

In the recent years, rural markets have acquired significance in countries like China & India, as the overall growth of the economy has resulted into substantial increase in the purchasing power of the rural communities. In Indian rural market generates about 50% Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Rural India comprises around 840 million people and growing income levels & greater ambition are progressively driving demand there. In the period 2009–2012, rural consumption per person increased annually at 19 percent according to data from National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO).

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Usha Patel Rural Marketing: The ‘New Avtar¥ of Marketing and The Key Driver for Indian Economy International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 8 August 2014

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