Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016

Scoliosis Surgical Treatment Outcomes with relevance of Quality of Life (QoL), through SRS22; Clinical recovery, Psycho–social status and management satisfaction

Abdulmonem Alsiddiky, Ahmed Aloqayli, Abdalla Ahmed, Nasser Almousa, Khaled Alshehri

Abstract :

 An ambidirectional cohort study was conducted on Adolescent Idiopathic Patients (AIS) in King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, during July to September 2015, to see the outcome in terms of Health related Quality of life and domains of SRS–22r, revised version in Saudi Arabia of SRS–22, a Patient–Reported–Outcome tool developed initially by USA in English language. 47 AIS diagnosed and surgically operated patients were identified from medical records matching the inclusion criteria, contacted through telephone. They were recruited after conversation by study team member and consenting to participate and responding by filling the SRS–22r questionnaire. All patients responded with answering all questions. Negative moderate correlation of age with pain domain while negative weak correlation with self–perceived image, function domain, mental health domain and management domain was identified. However significant difference was observed with SRS–22 global score. Score of satisfaction with management founds considerably lower as compared to all other domains, i.e. pain, self–perceived image, function and SRS22 global score. Hence, considerable differences in all domains scores and in most of the questions of the SRS–22

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Abdulmonem Alsiddiky, Ahmed AlOqayli, Abdalla Ahmed, Nasser AlMousa, Khaled Alshehri Scoliosis Surgical Treatment Outcomes with relevance of Quality of Life (QoL), through SRS22; Clinical recovery, Psycho–social status and management satisfaction International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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