Volume : I, Issue : IV, September - 2012

Smoldering Multiple Myeloma

Dr. C Mistry, Dr. M Shah, Dr. M Sengupta, Dr. P Solanki

Abstract :

68 year old female patient presented with complaint of persistent weakness and pedal oedema.Her hemoglobin level was fluctuating between 8–10gm% which was not improved even after blood transfusion , iron and folic acid supplements.We ruled out all possible causes of pedal oedema.Total Protein ,Albumin , Globulin and A/G ratio was done. Globulin was 6.3gm%(increased).A/G ratio was reversed.ESR was markedly elevated.Protein electrophoresis was done which showed M–Band.Bone marrow showed 22% of plasma cells.Trephine biopsy was done which showed interstitial infiltrate of about 20% of plasma cells.S.creatinine ,S.calcium were normal.X–ray skull,pelvis and hip joint were normal.Diagnosis of Smoldering multiple myeloma was put. Patient was put on Dexamethasone and pamidronate.She was followed after 3 months with protein electrophoresis and other biochemical reports.

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Dr.C Mistry, Dr.M Shah, Dr.M Sengupta, Dr.P Solanki Smoldering Multiple Myeloma International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.IV sep 2012

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