Volume : VIII, Issue : VII, July - 2019

Study of Congenital Malformations in Hamidia Hospital, Bhopal

Dr. Arun Bhatnagar, Dr Anand N Gautam, Dr. Harishankar Singh, Dr Kuldeep Singh Nanda

Abstract :

It is a cross sectional study conducted in department of plastic surgery Hamidia Hospital, Bhopal .This Study focuses on incidence of structural congenital malformations among neonates,and evaluation of associated risk factors. Most commonly affected is musculoskeletal system (40%). The risk factors are history of consanguinity (70%), malnutrition (90%) and previous history of abortions (40%).

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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STUDY OF CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS IN HAMIDIA HOSPITAL, BHOPAL, Dr. Arun Bhatnagar, Dr Anand N Gautam, Dr. Harishankar Singh, Dr Kuldeep Singh Nanda INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-7 | July-2019

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