Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2018

Study of CRP, ASO titre and RA factor in cases with joint pains

Prathyusha. P. V. , K. R. L. Suryakirani

Abstract :


Arthritis is an inflammatory process caused by injury, metabolic abnormalities, hereditary factors and infections. Laboratory blood tests are valuable diagnostic tools which are not definitive when considered alone. A total of 299 blood samples sent from patients with joint pains, were screened for different combinations of tests using latex agglutination kits CRP and RA factor (110 samples), CRP and ASO titres (41 samples) and CRP,ASO,RA (148 samples). Interpretation of results of combination of three tests was more informative as they differentiate inflammatory and non inflammatory, acute and chronic cases and streptococcal and rheumatoid arthritis when compared to the tests done in combinations of two. In cases of joint pains all three ASO,RA and CRP tests done in combination can give a better picture before going for higher and more expensive investigations.      

Keywords :

Arthritis   ASO   CRP   RA factor  

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Prathyusha.P.V., K.R.L.SuryaKirani, Study of CRP, ASO titre and RA factor in cases with joint pains, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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