Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015


Dr. Shikha Mathur, Dr. Anand Sharma, Dr. R. C. Gupta

Abstract :

Introduction–The purported role of free radicals in damaging & effecting the autoimmunity resulting in Rheumatoid arthritis is not yet clear. The present study was undertaken to study the tilted levels of different antioxidant parameters in RA & compared to that of control. Study Methodology –The present study was conducted in the department of physiology in collaboration with the department of orthopaedics of Mahatma Gandhi medical college.40 Clinically diagnosed patients of RA were chosen in the age group of 30–60 years. Second group was of 20 controlled subjects with same age group . Levels of different antioxidant parameters like SOD , vitamin C ,β Carotene ,& serum Tocopherol were measured. Statistical analysis between group I(RA) & group II(control group) was done by using students t test using SPSS version 17. Result–it was observed that SOD levels does not show significant not difference among the two groups.Non enzymatic parameters showed significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion–The result of our study suggest the excess of free radical which is counterfeit by decreased levels of non enzymatic parameters .

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Dr. Shikha Mathur, Dr. Anand Sharma, Dr. R. C. Gupta Study of Enzymatic (Sod) & Non Enzymatic Antioxidant Parameters in Patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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